Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Hidden Power

Newt List is proud to announce its latest release, Thomas Troward's The Hidden Power and Other Essays. This is Troward's final book, released after his death, and is a compilation of several previously unpublished essays and articles.

Thomas Troward provides a "missing link" in the study and practice of spirituality. Often, we are inspired by spiritual ideas. They stir something in us that show us what is possible, how life can be. This revelation can be so exciting that we immediately dive in to the practice, only to find that, frequently, our results are not what we imagined. The missing element is our understanding of the basic principles—why and how they work.

Troward uses principles of science, math and theology to explain spiritual ideas. He believed that we need to know why they work, so that we can more effectively use them, understand them, and cause them to work with the fullest power in our lives.

Unfortunately, Troward can be difficult to read because of his use of technical jargon. Newt List goes a long way to solving this issue through intense editorial work on Troward's texts. We have updated the punctuation and idioms of the time in which Troward wrote, making these books easier for contemporary readers, without losing the distinctive voice of the author. We have also incorporated gender-neutral forms, offering greater accessibility. We think you'll find Troward much more accessible with our editions.

If you have not read Troward before, The Hidden Power and Other Essays is the perfect starting point. These essays are easily digestible and offer Troward's ideas in succinct chapters of information.

Newt List has a complete collection of updated and gender-neutral versions of all Thomas Troward's books, including The Dore Lectures on Mental Science, The Creative Process in the Individual, and Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning.


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